Hobbies Interest Pastimes and Sports HIPS HIPSFinder Logo

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CLUB Finder   
 Sample Sites to get you started

What is HIPS Finder™?

  • a web site to fire the enthusiasm of all ages
  • a web site packed with details of over 700 leisure activities
  • a web site that matches lifestyle with leisure needs

Demo Mode
This area of the website is currently operating in DEMO mode. This means that only sample pages will appear here. If you have filled out your National form you will receive an email with a web link so you can preview your page. You are encouraged to send this link out to your local organisations and clubs so that they can get registered on HIPS Club Finder™and have a chance of winning in our £5000.00 competition, click here for more information. If you have any questions please visit our FAQ page before trying to contact us, as we cannot guarantee to answer all emails.

How do I get my organisation on to HIPS™?
Over the last 10 years we have been building a database of almost every Hobby, Interest, Pastime and Sport. In recent months we have been seeking out a National Contact for all the HIPS™ in our database. If you have not been contacted then please click here and fill out the form to submit your new HIPS™, or to associate your details with the relevant HIPS™.

How will HIPS Finder™ work?
When the website goes live this area will disappear and it will be replaced by our search page. This page will allow the general public to enter certain predefined search parameters and a results list of the National HIPS™matching the request will be displayed. Click here to find out more.

Sample sites currently online

Please visit the sample pages below to preview some of our initial supporters' details. These pages show how the information will be laid out and the format the pages will take. As mentioned this site is not live yet. We are looking to collate as many Hobbies, Interests, Pastimes and Sports main categories as the first stage before public launch. If you have any questions at all with regards to your submission or you think we have any HIPS missing, please use the relevant links above to direct your questions.