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 HIPS Club Finder™

HIPS Club Finder™ / Course Finder™ Sign up for:

HIPS Club Finder™ and HIPS Course Finder™ has a search facility that enables members of the public to find a club or organisation for a chosen activity in their local area completely FREE!

It appears you have landed here from a search engine or direct link, if you want to find out more about this activity click here. If you want to add your club to Club Finder please keep reading.

Click here to sign your club up to HIPS Club FinderClick here to add a course to HIPS Course Finder

Currently only email support is provided.

*All HIPS submitted will be entered into the HIPS Database, however not all HIPS will be published. Those that are illegal, offensive or of a sexual nature will not appear as part of the main stream search. HIPS is an ethical and family orientated company and its decision on all matters is final.

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